The People’s Movement for African Unity and its sister organizations have received a divine mandate to build a new Africa into a political federation,
and with viable economy and sociocultural harmony.
There is no authority today in Africa higher than the oncoming Federal Government of Africa, the Progenitor of which is the People’s Movement for African Unity.
The People’s Movement for African Unity and its sister organizations have received a divine mandate to build a new Africa into a political federation, and with viable economy and sociocultural harmony.
This Campaign is powered by contributions from supporters like you
Together we the people achieve more than any single person could ever do alone. design and printing professionals.
This Campaign is powered by contributions from supporters like you
Together we the people achieve more than any single person could ever do alone. design and printing professionals.
It is the right to support the Africa unity project to make it reality, and make one another stable with full of confidence to make Africa what it should for the younger generations