Territory of the Federation

The Federal Government of Africa and its institutions, also called House of Africa, and by extension Kemet, shall be established on a triune governmental system comprising of the Supreme Authority, Administrative Authority and the Council of African Elders.

Flag of the Federation

The Supreme Authority shall be made up of twelve men members comprising of the Pharaoh, his Deputy and ten cabinet members. The Supreme Authority in its beginning shall be situated in Accra, Ghana.

The Administrative Authority is the ministerial body of the federation. It shall be comprised of the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. Each of the three sub-bodies shall play their democratically defined roles in accordance with the new dispensation. The Administrative Authority in its beginning, shall be situated in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Council of African Elders serves as the indubitable custodians of the society vested with the powers to inspect and brought to order all activities of the federation. The Council of African Elders in its beginning shall be situated in Lusaka, Zambia. 

Further definitions of the roles and responsibilities of each of the three federal bodies will be made through implementations.

Chart concept of the federal bodies and their functions to be improved and explained further through implementations.